
Showing posts from 2017

WiFi Security Protocols

In today’s world Wi-Fi has become the essential thing in our daily routine. The wireless networks are also not secure in this digital age. New flaws and exploits are found on daily basis and Wi-Fi is no exception in that. Let’s understand the functioning and the flaws present in it. Before diving deep into the protocols and standards, here is an overview of Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi (802.11) - an IEEE wireless communication standard has 14 channels. These channels ranges from 2.412GHz (Channel 1), 2.417GHz (Channel 2) to 2.484 GHz (Channel 14) and 6 modes- Master, Managed, Ad-Hoc, Mesh, Repeater and Monitor. As we all are familiar with the terminologies- Packets and Frames, let’s jump onto the main topic- Wi-Fi security Protocols and flaws in it. WEP, WPA, WPA2-AES WEP:                                    ...